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Accessafe supports FAI for the protection of Italy's cultural and natural heritage

For this reason, we are proud to announce our membership in the Corporate Golden Donor program of FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, confirming our commitment to sustainability and cultural enhancement.

For nearly 50 years, FAI has been protecting monuments and unique places, saving them from neglect and opening them to the public.

With the contribution of companies, citizens and institutions, as many as 73 properties throughout Italy have been recovered and protected to date, so that they can continue to represent a shared heritage.

Our membership in this initiative is part of a broader sustainability path that guides Accessafe’s choices.

In addition to promoting innovative solutions for industrial safety, we are actively engaged in generating social, cultural and environmental value with initiatives such as our corporate art collection, demonstrating how creativity and art can be as engines of growth and innovation.

Supporting FAI means helping to spread a culture of sustainability and care for the land, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the achievement of which is one of the key points not only of our vision of the future, but also of our core business.

In fact, our products and consulting services actively support our clients’ journey toward Goal 3 – Welfare and Health, Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

As a Corporate Golden Donor, we become part of a network of companies that share these same values, working together to make a difference and leave a positive legacy for future generations, a collective responsibility that requires the active participation of all.

Through this support, we want to continue to invest in initiatives that combine economic development, cultural awareness and respect for the environment, helping to build a more conscious and sustainable future.

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