Machinery Directive 42/2006
The EU 2006/42/CE Directive is applied to fixed, movable, portable machinery and lifting/moving machinery, even if some machines remain excluded from the field of application of such Directive.
The EU 2006/42/CE Directive is applied to fixed, movable, portable machinery and lifting/moving machinery, even if some machines remain excluded from the field of application of such Directive.
Taking into consideration article 12 of the Machinery Directive, post 1996 machinery is divided into two groups.
The user and maintenance manual is the most substantial and most relevant part of the machinery Instruction manual.
The Technical File is the set of documentation which demonstrate the conformity of the machinery to the E.S.R. essential standard requirements.
It is essential that designers and manufacturers of the machinery and plants are equipped with an appropriate knowledge of the legislative requirements to be fulfilled within the limits of one own’s responsibility.
A manufacturer of profiles in thermoplastic material asked the Perimetra team to assess conformity status of 5 extrusion lines installed in their factory.
Training and refresher courses for employees and owners: with Law 215/21, a change of pace for the risk of business suspension and additional penalties.
This article aims at clarifying what E.S.R. are and how they should be applied by machinery manufacturers and end-users.
The declaration of conformity is a document which states that a machine meets the standard requirements of applicable directives and of the technical standards.
Brexit has introduced several changes regarding normative standards and has introduced modifications to the regulatory procedures relatively to product conformity.